Sleep Apnea Patient Questionnaire

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Epworth Sleepiness Scale

Please Rate the Following:

0 = No Chance of Dozing | 1 = Slight Chance of Dozing | 2 = Moderate Chance of Dozing | 3 = High Chance of Dozing
Sitting and reading*
Watching TV*
Sitting inactive in a public place (theater)*
As a car passenger for an hour without a break*
Laying down in the afternoon to rest*
Sitting and talking to someone*
Sitting quietly after lunch without alcohol*
In a car while stopped at a traffic light*

Thornton Snoring Scale

Please Rate the Following:

0 = Never | 1 = One night/week | 2 = 2-3 nights/week | 3 = 4+ nights/week
My snoring affects my relationship with my partner*
My snoring causes my partner to be irritable or tired*
My snoring requires us to sleep in separate rooms*
My snoring is loud*
My snoring affects people when I am sleeping away from home*
Do you have any other complaints?

Subjective Signs and Symptoms

Rate your overall energy level*
Rate your sleep quality*
Have you been told you snore?*
Rate the sound of your snoring*
How often do you awaken with headaches?*
Do you have a bed partner?*
Do you sleep in the same room?
How many times per night does your bedtime partner notice you stop breathing?*

Sleep Apnea Patient Questionnaire

Have you ever had a sleep study?*
Have you tried CPAP?*
Are you currently using CPAP?*
If you use or have used CPAP, what are your chief complaints about CPAP?
Are you currently wearing a dental device?*
Have you previously tried a dental device?*
Was it Over the Counter (OTC)?
Was it fabricated by a dentist?
Have you ever had surgery for snoring or sleep apnea?*
PRE-MEDICATION - Have you been told you should receive pre-medication before dental procedures?*

Dental History

How would you describe your dental health?*
Have you ever had teeth extracted?*
Do you wear removable partials?*
Have you ever worn braces (orthodontics)?*
Does your TMJ (jaw joint) click or pop?*
Do you have pain in this joint?
Have you had TMJ (jaw joint) surgery?*
Have you ever had gum surgery?
Do you have dry mouth?*
Have you ever had an injury to your head, face, neck, or mouth?*
Are you planning to have dental work done in the near future?*
Do you clench or grind your teeth?*

Family History

Have genetic members of your family had:

Heart Disease?*
High Blood Pressure?*
Have genetic members of your family been diagnosed or treated for a sleep disorder?*
How often do you consume alcohol within 2-3 hours of bedtime?*
How often do you take sedatives within 2-3 hours of bedtime?*
How often do you consume caffeine within 2-3 hours of bedtime?*
Do you smoke?*
Do you use chewing tobacco?

Patient Signature

I certify that the information I have completed on these forms is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge.